Home Runs for Gann

24 June 2016 18 Sivan 5776

Shalom Chaverim,

Our school year has officially ended, and our faculty and staff spent much of this week reflecting, celebrating and working hard to bring closure to the year. As the school year ends, the Gann community has so many things to celebrate.

I am proud and excited to share that last night, 23 members of our faculty and staff from across the school departed for Israel, many of them for their first ever visit. They have landed safely, and will be spending their first Shabbat in Tel Aviv, beginning tonight! I will join them in Haifa on Monday afternoon. You can follow their journey on the GannIsrael blog here.

Earlier in the week, our a capella group, the ShenaniGanns, performed the National Anthem at the Red Sox game for Jewish Heritage Night at Fenway Park. It was so great to see so many Gann students, parents and alumni there to cheer on both the ShenaniGanns and the Red Sox! You can read all about this special evening on our blog here.

Last Sunday we celebrated graduation as our 66 graduates walked across the stage and out into the world. They are moving on to extraordinary places and experiences that we know will inspire them as they continue on their journeys.

At graduation, I spoke to our students about the connections between the Broadway musical Hamilton and the Sinai experience, about keeping the past relevant and alive, and about what it means to be an active participant in a covenantal community. You can view a video of the speech, along with the written text of the speech and other pictures and videos from graduation on the Gann website here as well as a brief video clip of the speech’s surprise ending.

Mazal tov again to all of our graduates and their families! And thank you to everyone who helped make graduation such a success and who has supported and guided our students over these past four years.

Shabbat Shalom and Have a Wonderful Summer,

Rabbi Marc Baker Head of School