Heart Leaders

19 June 2015 2 Tammuz 5775    Shalom Chaverim,    This school year came to an official close last Sunday with a beautiful and moving graduation ceremony honoring our seniors. We were so proud to note their accomplishments and achievements and to wish them well in their future hopes and aspirations.    In my speech to the graduates, I used the term "heart leaders" from a recent speech by Rabbi Shai Held who said, “Everyone is talking about thought leaders these days. But the Jewish community and the world do not need more thought leaders, we need more heart leaders.  Judaism asks us both to care deeply and to act concretely to help ameliorate suffering.” I also told the students that "I think this term ‘heart leader’ captures beautifully the people you are and the legacy you are leaving at Gann. So, I’d like to take a few minutes to unpack it in light of what I see as three defining features of your class: compassion, creativity, and activism." 

You can read my full address to the Gann Class of 2015 hereand watch the video below. 

And while I don't believe he was at our graduation, it appears that David Brooks has similar ideas on his mind in today's Op-Ed column in The New York Times   I wish you all a restful and restorative summer!    Shabbat Shalom,    Rabbi Marc Baker  Head of School