9/11, Collective Memory, and Yom Kippur
New Year Message 2013
Heart Leaders
The Founding of Gann Academy
Weekly Messages 2014-2015Marc BakerCommunity, Creativity, Culture, Education, Founding, Gann Academy, High School, Judaism, Learning, Pluralism, Success, Teaching
With Gratitude
Shavuot 5775—Living Covenantally
The Sweetness of Victory and the Spirituality of Sports
Weekly Messages 2014-2015Marc BakerDetermination, Education, Gann Academy, High School, Judaism, Mental Toughness, Spirituality, Sports, Success, Victory
Lag B’Omer and the Purpose of Education
Weekly Messages 2014-2015Marc BakerCommunity, Culture, Education, Ethics, Gann Academy, High School, Judaism, Learning, Mission and Vision, Social Responsibility, Spirituality
Nad Ned (Seesaw, Seesaw)
Art as Spiritual Resistance
Weekly Messages 2014-2015Marc BakerArts, Culture, Education, Gann Academy, High School, History, Holocaust, Judaism, Message, Resistance, Story
The Educational Power of Change
Weekly Messages 2014-2015Marc BakerChange, Community, Education, Experience, Exploration, Gann Academy, Growth, High School, History, Judaism, Leadership, Learning
We Love You When You Lose
Weekly Messages 2014-2015Marc BakerArts, Competition, Education, Failure, Gann Academy, High School, Musical, Performance, Spelling Bee, Success
The “C” (Character) in STEM
Weekly Messages 2014-2015Marc BakerChallenge, Character, Community, Education, Gann Academy, High School, Judaism, Observations, Robotics, Science, Spirituality, Values
Symbols That Define Us (Or Don’t)
Weekly Messages 2014-2015Marc BakerAmerican History, Challenge, Education, Gann Academy, High School, History, Judaism, Learning, Mission and Vision, Story
The Power of We
Weekly Messages 2014-2015Marc BakerCommunity, Education, Football, Gann Academy, High School, Judaism, Leadership, New England Patriots, Sports, Team
I am Loyal, Therefore I am
Weekly Messages 2014-2015Marc BakerCommunity, Deflate Gate, Education, Football, Gann Academy, High School, Integrity, Judaism, Loyalty, Morality, New England Patriots, Sports
“The Stories That Bind Us”*
Weekly Messages 2014-2015Marc BakerCommunity, Education, Exodus, Family, Future Leaders, Gann Academy, High School, Judaism, Mission and Vision, Story
Turning and Seeing
The Wonder of Proteins